
Nuevo número de ERMBE

European Research on Management and Business Economics

Issue number 3.September - December 2018
Volume 24, Issue number 3. September - December 2018


Gender diversity, corporate governance and firm behavior: The challenge of emotional management

European Research on Management and Business Economics.2018;24:121-9
AbstractFull TextPDF

Does product involvement influence how emotions drive satisfaction?: An approach through the Theory of Hedonic Asymmetry

European Research on Management and Business Economics.2018;24:130-6
AbstractFull TextPDF

Should we make or buy? An update and review

European Research on Management and Business Economics.2018;24:137-48
AbstractFull TextPDF

Happiness at work in knowledge-intensive contexts: Opening the research agenda

European Research on Management and Business Economics.2018;24:149-59
AbstractFull TextPDF

Pairs trading techniques: An empirical contrast

European Research on Management and Business Economics.2018;24:160-7
AbstractFull TextPDF

Determinants of the spending of sporting tourists: The case of attendees at professional basketball

European Research on Management and Business Economics.2018;24:168-76
AbstractFull TextPDF

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Nature inmalls: Effects of a natural environment on the cognitive image, emotional response, and behaviors of visitors

AbstractFull TextPDF